Milk (Axil’s Seasonal Blend)
A classic, a crowd-pleaser, but simply delicious.
This blend is often overlooked. However, after working with it for over a year, it is without a doubt the best classic milk blend when done right. It’s rich, very sweet, and has notes of stone fruits making it the most balanced milk blend I have tried.
It is my go to coffee when we have guests over. It’s a warm hug in the morning and you can not go wrong with it.
My tip: use lactose free milk (riverina).
To make lactose free milk you need to hydrolyse lactose and this is done by adding lactase. Lactase splits lactose into galactose and glucose which makes lactose free milk around THREE TIMES SWEETER. Personally after trying freeze distilled milk and mixing it with regular milk I found just using lactose free milk made the most enjoyable cup.
My recommendation for this Axil’s Seasonal is a double ristretto (1:0.9) pulled in 22-23 seconds with 120ml of lactose free milk (riverina).
In the cup I found tasting notes of Milk Chocolate and Stone Fruits.
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