Manos Juntas, a micromill situated in the Sotara region of Colombia's Cauca region, is expertly operated and managed by Banexport. This micromill adopts a simplified approach to tasks and responsibilities for both producers and Banexport. Upon harvest, the cherries are immediately delivered to the mill, where Brix and pH levels are recorded and the cherries are placed in labeled hermetic tanks for a five-day-long anaerobic fermentation. The tanks are infused with nitrogen gas to stimulate the yeast, and constant measurements of Brix and pH are used to determine the ideal point to stop fermentation. The coffee is then subjected to 20°C temperatures to halt fermentation and remove any remaining yeast and microorganisms. For Honey-processed coffees, the cherries are depulped and dried with the mucilage intact on raised beds under shade. For Naturally-processed coffees, the cherries are "aged" in tanks for an additional five days.